SunBurnt - FAQs
Click here for Frequently Asked Questions on SunBurnt After-Sun Care Products
What’s the difference between a mild to moderate and a severe sunburn? The first symptoms of a sunburn usually appear within a few hours after too much ex...
Fri, 21 Aug, 2020 at 3:53 PM
Can I use SunBurnt® on any sunburn? SunBurnt® After-Sun Gel and Daily After-Sun Lotion are only formulated for mild and moderate sunburns, as well as for ...
Fri, 21 Aug, 2020 at 3:53 PM
How does SunBurnt® work? Sunburned skin can feel hot, painful, and dry, and lead to peeling. SunBurnt® combines natural ingredients that: immediately coo...
Fri, 13 Jan, 2023 at 1:41 PM
Do SunBurnt® products ever expire? Yes, our products contain natural and botanical ingredients, which can expire over time. Be sure to replace your SunBur...
Fri, 13 Jan, 2023 at 1:33 PM